In recent years, replicability, reproducibility, robustness, and validity of empirical findings became a focal and intensively debated and researched topic in the behavioral and social sciences. Aside from an intensive scientific discourse, these dynamics caused demands for change and innovation. In response to these developments, the META-REP program is oriented towards three main (meta-)scientific research goals: (1) to define, describe, and assess “replicability” (the what-question), (2) to provide explanations for replication rates, heterogeneity and deviation in replication results (the why-question), and (3) to assess effectiveness and efficiency of strategies and change aimed at improving robustness (the how-question). The conference will provide a platform for the exchange of manifold replication-related research findings and innovation from all scientific disciplines (as well as science …
Location: Katholische Akademie in Bayern.
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Mario Gollwitzer (LMU Munich, META-REP Program Coordinator)
Submission deadline: April 30, 2024.
For the conference website click here.