
The conference is the Academy’s most important academic event. Conferences usually take place once every two years. The focus of the three-day events is a main social science topic that is supplemented by lectures on other topics (open sessions). The board decides on the main topic and location of the conference.
Our first conferences dealt with the question of increasing social inequality (Munich, 2018) and the digitalization of society (Konstanz, 2019). Our next conference will be about social cohesion of contemporary socities (2021, Online/Leipzig).

META-REP 2024 Conference Munich

In recent years, replicability, reproducibility, robustness, and validity of empirical findings became a focal and intensively debated and researched topic in the behavioral and social sciences. Aside from an intensive scientific discourse, these dynamics caused demands for change and innovation. In response to these developments, the META-REP program is oriented towards three main (meta-)scientific research goals: (1) to define, describe, and assess “replicability” (the what-question), (2) to provide explanations for replication rates, heterogeneity and deviation in replication results (the why-question), and (3) to assess effectiveness and efficiency of strategies and change aimed at improving robustness (the how-question). The conference will provide a platform for the exchange of manifold replication-related research findings and innovation from all scientific disciplines (as well as science …

… communicators, delegates from funding agencies, academies, or science organizations).

Location: Katholische Akademie in Bayern.

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Mario Gollwitzer (LMU Munich, META-REP Program Coordinator)

Submission deadline: April 30, 2024.

For the conference website click here.

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AS 2023 Conference 'Knowledge Societies': Program Out

From August 28-30, 2023, our 4th Academy of Sociology conference ‘Knowledge Societies’ will be held at the University of Bern (Switzerland), including:

  • 20 thematic sessions with 80 talks given by recognized senior and junior researchers
  • keynotes by Claudia Buchmann (Ohio State University), Jan Skopek (Trinity College Dublin), and Daniel Oesch (University of Lausanne)
  • Best Dissertation  & Poster Award
  • Apero (1st day) and conference dinner (2nd day)

The detailed program, list of speakers and abstracts is avaliable here.

For registration please click here.

See you soon in Bern!


Knowledge Societies - AS 2023 Conference in Bern

Knowledge is both a collective and an individual resource. Societal dynamics are driven by the accessibility and composition of knowledge at a macro level. As claimed by the prophets of the knowledge society, the way knowledge production takes place must therefore be of key interest to all societies.

Scholars who address our key topic from an analytical-empirical perspective in sociology, in particular, or from perspectives of other social sciences such as political science, demographic research, communication and data science, or the economics of education are invited to present and discuss their research in a stimulating format. In addition, we also very welcome talks on other topics (open sessions). The conference language is English.


The 4th AS Conference will be held in August, 28-30, 2023 at the University of Bern (Switzerland). See the call for papers at our conference website.

More than 400 participants & 80 presentations

Three days of inspiring presentations and discussions, 400 registered participants and more than 80 talks given in thematic and special  sessions – this was our 2021 online AS conference on social cohesion. The AS board’s thanks goes to all presenters, invited speakers, discussants, chairs, to our partners from Kontanz Cluster of Excellence ‘The Politics of Inequality’ and the Resarch Institute Social Cohesion, and to the local organisers and staff members from Leipzig University.

Registration Now Open

AS Conference website and registration open since July 1st.

Over three days we will discuss new research on social cohesion in connection with the pandemic, social inequality, the climate crisis and other areas of society. In addition, we hear keynote lectures by renowned scientists from sociology, political science and health sciences.

Thanks to our cooperation partners, we can dispense with charging fees. Participation is therefore free of charge. However, prior registration is required.


Cohesive Societies? 2021 AS Conference Online

Contemporary societies face challenges that require a high degree of social cohesion in terms of effectively addressing them. Some argue that societies are characterized by declining social cohesion, while others dispute this diagnosis. Here, sociology, based on rigorous theoretical considerations and empirical analysis, can help to clarify the theoretical mechanisms at work and develop methods to enable a better understanding of the social dynamics that hinder or promote social cohesion or division.

Click here for Call for Papers – deadline May 31st, 2021.

Conference website is coming soon.

Digital Societies - 2019 AS Congress

Digitalization is one of the megatrends of our century. The social sciences as well as the public have just begun to study and understand the deep structural changes that come with digitalization. This complex mixture of opportunities and risks in many areas of social life has been subject of our second AS conference located in Konstanz, Sep 25-27, 2019. We are grateful to the University of Konstanz, its Clusters of Excellence „Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour“ and „The Politics of Inequality” as well as the ETH Zürich for generous support.

Rewatch selected talks given by invited speakers on You Tube.

You can find the programme of the conference here.

Growing inequality – divided society? 2018 AS Conference in Munich

The first conference of the Academy for Sociology took place between April 4th and 6th, 2018 on the topic “Growing inequality – divided society? Current Contributions of Empirical-Analytical Sociology” in München-Nymphenburg. 120 participants discussed over 60 lectures and posters (conference language German). We thank the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation for the generous support.
You can find the programme of the conference here (in German).