Our objectives

The Academy of Sociology is a professional association of social scientists who research, teach and apply their knowledge in professional practice in the field of analytical-empirical sociology. The Academy of Sociology was founded in Mannheim/Germany in 2017 after over 100 well-known social scientists signed a call for the establishment of such an organisation. The academy currently has more than 350 members. Our task is to promote analytical-empirical sociology in every respect. Analytical-empirical sociology is based on theoretical analyses that are formulated as parsimoniously, clearly and precisely as possible. Its statements are based on empirical results that are obtained using controlled methods of social research. It also seeks to contribute to science- and evidence-based policy. We therefore carry out and facilitate:

  • The exchange of information in research and teaching – among other things through conferences and by supporting young researchers
  • The representation of analytical-empirical sociology within national scientific bodies (e.g. DFG, RatSWD)
  • The communication of research results to the general public
  • International and interdisciplinary networking in the social sciences

You can find more information on the principles of analytical-empirical sociology adopted on September 25, 2019 and in the call for the establishment of the Academy of Sociology.